Coronavirus outbreak has been making headlines all over the world lately. Here in Melbourne, at the time of writing, WHO has declared it’s a pandemic, with multiple schools already closed, a number of public gatherings suspended, no wonder everyone is worried about coming into contact with the virus.
Is it dangerous about visiting your dentist at this time? Should we all stay at home and delay any dental problems until it starts to hurt? The simple answer is No.
We practice universal precaution, which means all instruments are sterilized and surfaces are disinfected or covered with disposable wraps. Clinical staff wear masks and gloves and wash hands after each patient. At Caulfield South dental surgery, our door handles, pens which patients use to sign, front desk area and EFTPOS machines are regularly wiped down with alcohol.
Unlike a large medical facility where there could be a number of sick patients in the waiting area, our small practice and the fact we almost always run on time minimizes the chance of patient to patient contact. If you are an elderly patient or feel particularly concerned about the coronavirus transmission, please talk to us and we can book you in the first appointment in the morning or in the afternoon.
We ask our patients who have been overseas in the last month and have flu-like symptoms to stay at home for 14 days of self-quarantine or go to a dedicated testing centre.
For other patients, there is no need to avoid the dentist during this time or delay your treatment.