What’s that in My Mouth?

What’s that in My Mouth?

Most people associate dentistry with drilling, cleaning or tooth removal. Many do not know that as part of their routine dental check-up we not only examine their teeth and gums but also the soft and hard tissues in and around the mouth. Some lesions are completely innocent and very often your dentist can put your mind at ease by simply inspecting the area of concern.

Let’s run through some common lesions we see in our surgery:

  • Cold sores: These common viral infections appear as tiny blisters on and around the lip. Most people have seen or had them. Antiviral drugs can help them heal faster. It’s best to let them dry out initially, then apply a cream or lip balm to avoid splitting. We recommend that you avoid any routine dental procedures when the cold sore is active. Should you need any urgent dental treatment, it’s important to keep the area moisturized to prevent cracking of the lip.
  • Geographic tongue: Patient have come in worried about the appearance of smooth, red islands on the surface of their tongue. Sometimes these patches heal and move elsewhere. While this may cause anxiety in some people, it’s a completely harmless condition and no treatment is required in most cases.
Cold Sores | Caulfield South Dental

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